250 352 3504



Relationship violence can take many forms — physical abuse (harm to a partner, threats of harm), emotional abuse (put downs, raised voice, angry volatile behaviour, threats of suicide should  a woman choose to leave, threatening to take or harm children or pets), financial abuse (withholding money for basic needs, not allowing a woman enough money to have coffee with a friend or to take the bus or put gas in the car, taking money a woman has earned or received), and sexual abuse (forcing, insults, threats).

The Women’s Outreach Program is here to support women who have been or are experiencing relationship violence. We provide support, resources, and practical assistance. We can look at safety planning, housing resources, financial assistance, Legal Aid and family law options and connection to other anti- violence support services. We work from a feminist perspective which means you choose the services and supports that are right for you, and the service is confidential! Services are available to women in Nelson and the surrounding area.

This program is funded by the Ministry of Justice.