The PEACE Program assists children and youth, three to 18 years of age, who have witnessed or experienced violence.
The SAIP Program assists children who are under the age of 19, who have experienced sexual abuse or may be acting out in a sexualized manner.
Child and Youth Counselling Program assists children and youth who have experienced and/or been exposed to trauma/traumatic events and whose quality of life has been impacted as a result.

Families or youth can request service directly.
Referrals can also come from:
• Schools,
• daycares,
• social workers,
• police,
• advocates,
• mental health clinicians,
• Victim Assistance workers,
• transition house staff,
• parent educators and
• family support workers.

In an effort to help children and youth make sense of their experience and feel as safe as possible, we offer a variety of expressive therapies including art therapy, play therapy and sand tray therapy as well as narrative and cognitive behavioural approaches.
We often work closely with other NCS Programs to assist parents in most effectively supporting children through difficult times and through the healing process. We offer individual counselling as well as group counselling, including weekly groups in elementary and middle schools as a form of early intervention for children identified as potentially at-risk.
This program is funded by the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General’s PEACE (Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment) Program for children who have witnessed or experienced violence, and the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s Sexual Abuse Intervention Program for children who have experienced sexual abuse or may be acting out in a sexualized manner.