This program began in October 2016 as a way to provide a caring, comprehensive, and direct response to the immediate and longer-term needs of Nelson’s growing ‘street culture’ population. Services are offered throughout the year from Monday to Friday during daytime hours. To reach the team please call 250-777-3993.
To mark 50 years of service to families, youth & individuals in the community, we’ve launched a series of short films. Two films were prepared to spotlight the Street out reach program:
Through the Darkness, Mothers Shine: Love, Sacrifice, and Hope in the Face of the Drug Poisoning Epidemic. click here to view
Strengthening Communities Through Compassion: A Street Outreach Team’s Support. click here to view

We believe that all individuals who rely on a community’s ‘street culture’ to live and/or survive are valued community members and have the right to receive support and access stabilization services in a manner that respects their dignity, their strengths, and their right to choose.

Our team is made up of three street outreach workers, and a program director.
Our training includes Mental Health First Aid, Basic First Aid/CPR, Assessment, Case Management, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, Privacy/Info sharing, Drug Information, Naloxone, Mental Health and Substance Use, Health Precautions & Personal Safety
Our Mission is two-fold:
- To work in collaboration with relevant service providers to identify members of Nelson’s ‘street culture’ population, assess their immediate and long-term needs for health, safety, and basic needs, and offer a range of supports and services designed to meet these needs.
- To support downtown business owners and the general public in their increased understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of the challenges of the ‘street culture’ population and to foster a culture of mutual respect.

Through a trauma-informed, health promotion, harm reduction, social inclusion, and education lens, we offer:
- Assessment of needs
- Support & advocacy
- Information & referrals Crisis intervention
- Accompaniment
- Inclusion activities
- Public education
This program currently relies solely on grants and donations from our community.
If you support the work of this program and would like to see it continue,
then please consider making a donation.
All donations over $20 are tax receipt-able.
Lyann Hunter
Lyann joined NCS in 2020. She has a diploma in Social Services and currently working on her social work degree.
Jeremy Kelly
Jeremy has been with NCS since 2016. Background in community support work.
Ryall Giuliano
Ryall has been with NCS since 2016. Master of Arts in Environmental Education and Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy